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Today we here to discuss about an illegal system in which products that are difficult or expensive to buy legally are bought and sold. The income derived from such illegal trade is often referred to as ‘black money’/ कालाधन’ l But hold on , Black money can be earned through both legal and illegal means .

🔆क्या होता है Black market का मतलब?
• Black market is a place where someone go while searching for something truly illicit or something illegal.
• Black market ko underground economy/ shadow economy भी कहा जाता हैl
• Black market me हर चीज कम दाम pe nahi मिलती, par haan यहा हर wo चीज milti है jo illegal है ya फिर जिसे government ने ban kiya है l
चोर bazar, dark web, black market, black money, corruption ye सब interconnected है l Ek साधारण दुकानदार se lekar बडे se बड़ा businessman भी black market ka हिस्सा रह sakta है l शायद आप और मै भी indirectly कभी na kabhi इसका हिस्सा ho sakte है l
Iske kuch aise example जिसे आप अच्छे se releate कर पायेंगे l
black marketing of railway tickets and movie ticket or show tickets.
There are some groups that buy up hundreds or thousands of tickets then they would resell them at higher price यही से actually black marketing की शुरूवात hoti है l
Dishonest shopkeeper give underweight to customer. Dishonest milkman mixing water to milk , these are some examples of black marketing from our daily life.
Most of us ignore this things but in real we are too supporting such things by ignoring them और isiliye हम भी black market का हिस्सा बन जाते है l
Black market ke दूसरे हिस्से में काफी खतरनाक चीजे include hai जैसे – drugs, smuggling of human organs and animals ,slave labor, stolen goods etc.

🔆Why does black market exist-
• Extreme high rate of taxation .
• when people want to exchange goods or services that are prohibited by governments (for eg. Drugs )

🔆Why is Black marketing a problem.
• Loss of tax due to tax evasion( कर चोरी)
• It slowdown countries economic growth.

🔆Black money 
Black money is the money that is hidden from tax authorities for the purpose of tax evasion.

🔆 कैसे generate hota hai black money?.
Black money can be earned both through legal and illegal means.
1. Illegal means
• Criminal activities & Corruption.
2 . Legal means
• Tax evaded income.

Black money is stored in some tax heaven nation. आपने Swiss Bank के बारेमे जरूर सुना होगाl
        According to Swiss bank officials
Indians were the largest depositors of illegal foreign money in Switzerland.

🔆How black money is converted to white?
Black money को white money में convert करने के different ways है l one of the most used way is ‘hawala‘ और इसी को हम detail में discuss करने वाले है l
 Hawala cash transfer करने का अवैध तरीका है जिसे “हुंडी” भी कहा जाता है l
ये system aisa है, जिसमें cash ek जगह से दूसरी जगह transfer नहीं होता, लेकिन एक customer एक जगह से अपना पैसा दूसरी जगह किसी को भी भेज सकता है l इस network में कई हवालादार या hawla dealer होते है l

        चलिए thoda आसान भाषा में समजते है l
Let us Assume A and B are two person staying in different countries . Person A, person B को पैसे भेजना चाहता है l ऐसे case में hawala network के जरिए person A उसके country के broker से contact करेगा और उसे पैसे देगा जो person B को भेजना है बदले में person A को ek secret code बताया जाएगा l person A, person B को secret code convey करेगाl
Person A का Broker उस country के broker से contact करेगा जहा person B stay करता है l अब बस person B को उसके country के broker को वो secret code बताना होगा और person B को पैसे मिल जाएंगे l इस procedure में दोनो broker कुछ commission charge karte है l broker को hi hawala कहा जाता है l
Ye पूरा network सिर्फ भरोसे pr chalta है l Hawala ka मतलब भरोसा होता है l इस network को hawala कहा जाने का शायद यही reason है l
Hawala network can also exist within the country जिस का use political parties और नक्सली संगठनों को fund provide करने के लिए किया जाता है l

🔆Effects of black marketing –
• Government loses revenue due to tax free nature of black market.
• Legitimate industries को भी black marketing से loss hota hai .
🔆 Effect of black money
• Give rise to inflation .
• Create inequalities.
• Affect national income and real capital income .
Black market and Black money both affect countries reputation और isiliye दोनों को खतम करना jaruri है l

🔆 Black money को wipe out (खतम) करने के liye kya kya किया gaya???
2010 में Government ने Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement  को reviced kiya so as to provide means for investigation of black money in swiss bank
Panama paper scandal में black money से जुडे करीब करीब से 500 Indians ke नाम leak हुए थेl Aisa कहा जाता है ki panama paper leak से black money से related bohot information leak hui थी l
• Black money को पूरी तरह से नष्ट करने के liye November 2016 में government ने नोटबंदी /demonetisation kiya था l
• 2016 के budget में income declaration scheme का प्रस्ताव रखा gaya था l ye scheme un लोगों के liye thi जो black money declare karna chate थे l इस scheme में ऐसे लोगों को इस property पर 30% tax के rate से tax pay karna था l इस पर 25% का surcharge भी देना था l इसके अलावा tax का 25% penalty के रूप में pay करना था l
• In January 2017 , ‘Operation Clean Money‘ had been launched for collection, collation and analysis of information on cash.
Switzerland ने Indian government के साथ Automatic Exchange Of Information(AEOI) का agreement sign किया l According to this agreement the government shall have an immediate access to account holders having black money deposited at the Swiss Bank .
According to (NIFM) National Institute of Financial Management the total outflow of black money between 1990 and 2008 was Rs 9,41,837 crore, or $217 billion.
              Total black money को retrieve करना possible nahi है l But further accumulation of funds in the black money market can be curtailed.

Ye थी black market और black money से related information .
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ll धन्यवाद ll
~p$m .

Categories: #Opinion


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